Women’s Bible Studies
CCBC offers several bible studies for women throughout the year. These studies are open to ALL women! Whether you are a member, regular visitor, guest, or member of the community, we would love to have you join us! All are welcome.
Our current study options are as follows:
Are you longing to hear God’s voice, but feel disconnected? God wants to speak to us directly as His beloved children.
We will begin our “He Speaks To Me” weekly bible study
Tuesday, March 25th. This is a 7 week bible study that will meet
every Tuesday at Charley Moore’s home until May 6th.
There will be two time options for this study:
10 am to 11:30 am
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
You can join the morning session or the evening session. For address information, please CONTACT US.
To sign up for this study, please complete the form below. A sign-up sheet is also located in the foyer.
** You will need to purchase the book, in advance. Please be sure to purchase the 20th edition of this book so that you will have access to the videos to participate in this study. **
You can purchase the book on Amazon by clicking here on the Amazon link
You can purchase the book on Lifeway by clicking here on the Lifeway link
Priscilla Shirer's classic Bible study is now updated with a new design, an updated introductory 20th anniversary video message from Priscilla, and video access included in every Bible study book!
In this 7-session study, you’ll learn through the biblical examples of Samuel, Moses, Joshua, Jesus’s disciples, and many others how to position yourself to hear the voice of God and respond to it. Priscilla will explore six characteristics that help you tune your heart to hear God’s voice: relationship, holiness, attentiveness, single-minded worship, hunger, and a servant’s spirit.
God desires to speak to you through His Word and His Holy Spirit. By learning to listen to God's voice and committing to obey Him, you will draw closer to God with a deeper desire to serve Him faithfully.
Access to the 7 original teaching videos from the 2005 release, approximately 25–30 minutes each, available via redemption code printed in the Bible study book
6 weeks of personal study to be completed between the 7 group sessions
Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups
Be encouraged to dig deeper into the presence of God, listen for His voice, and experience the depths of His Spirit.
Learn to place yourself in a position to hear the voice of God.
Understand the pitfalls that often keep you from hearing from the Lord.
Video Sessions:
Session 1: A Simple Relationship (37:25)—Priscilla welcomes viewers to the 20th anniversary edition of He Speaks to Me with a look back over the past twenty years. She then examines 1 Samuel and Luke 18 and describes how we must come to God like a child if we want to be able to hear Him.
Session 2: A Single-Minded Worship (30:04)—Priscilla discusses undistracted worship — a second characteristic of those prepared to hear God. Participants will learn about the five "Pharaohs" that keep us from undistracted worship.
Session 3: A Set-Apart Holiness (27:30)—Priscilla encourages viewers to be "set apart" in this world. Lifestyle sanctification is the focus of this session.
Session 4: A Still Attentiveness (25:30)—Using the example of the feeding of the 5,000 in John 6, Priscilla examines the need to be still enough to listen to God.
Session 5: A Sold-Out Hunger (31:23)—Priscilla looks at the lives of Samuel (1 Samuel 3) and the blind man (Luke 18) who both knew the power of getting as close as possible to the manifest presence of God. This segment explains what the manifest presence of God is in our lives and how to draw close to Him as Samuel did.
Session 6: A Servant Spirit (26:58)—Participants look at the sixth characteristic that allowed Samuel to hear from God — a servant's heart. Using the example of Jesus in John 13, this lesson explores what one must do to be a true servant.
Session 7: Conclusion (16:06)—In this short session Priscilla concludes the study with some questions and discussion about what we do as a result of the truth we have heard.
We also have additional women’s gatherings that meet throughout the year. Please see our Calendar for our upcoming women’s events.